Sunday, December 02, 2007

no stars falling for me tonight...

I've been getting better at setting up midi drumtracks using EZdrummer and Sony Acid, definitely helpful when trying to write songs by myself without a drummer available to play with. Getting some bits and pieces of songs put together and so far it's not working out too badly, just need to figure out how i want to approach things stylisticly since i've played in bands of differing sub-genres of punk/hardcore over the years, but the last thing i actually wrote myself was a sorta fast pop-punk song that i wrote about 10 years ago. So naturally, i'm a bit rusty. If i can decide how the vocals will be sung and whether i'm gonna do them myself, or try to get someone else to do it and write music to fit their style, things would go so much easier. Hopefully, once i figure out what to do about vocals, i'm gonna try to get a couple of demo tracks finished and loaded up on my Mypsace Music page in hopes of someday finding other musicians to play with again.
Also, I haven't heard from Mass in while about my work/training at Sonic so i'm not sure what's going on over there, or if they're not that busy and Mass and Jorge have things pretty much covered at the moment. Hopefully i can get in there again at some point in the future when there's a project i can help out with.


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