Wednesday, January 04, 2006

some [ache], some walker, new amp day....

not much new to report on either the walker or studio fronts, but it seems as though the ache finally has a new drummer. Just got the news from shawn yesterday that the new kid came over and tried out a couple of days ago and we have our first full-band practice again this sunday night!
of course i also just got an offer to become the general manager at the Papa John's i'm currently driving for, so i don't know how that will work out with an actual active band situation and playing out, but something will work out.

the one piece of cool news on the walker front is that we've now got several bands on our friends list, many of whom have members who's previous bands walker played with and/or hung out with on a regular basis. As soon as i have more concrete news on the comp and some extra cash, i'll try to get one of the PurePromos on the front page of the PureVolume site. When we did it with the [ache:emelie] page, we were getting 500+ plays a day. I'll also be trying to rotate the songs i have up on the PV site more often.

now it's off to guitar center to try and find a new bass amp.....