Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wow, it's been awhile, lol.
Well, since this last post, I'm no long in With Honors, but my current punk/HC band The UC is getting ready to play our first show next month here in Lafayette.
We went into Sonic Iguana back in January and recorded our first 5 songs, and may be going back soon to record a few more, and possibly if the production works out well enough, may combine them into one full length album.
We don't have a label yet, but if need be, Shawn(singer/bass) actually has his own label called Middleman Records which he used to release our previous band's John Q. Public and Kaki.o.badi's records that we may make use of if we can't find anyone outside the band interested in releasing the recordings.

Oh, and once again, as with the previous With Honors recordings, I recorded The UC's debut ep myself over at Sonic, and mixed/mastered it at home due to time/money constraints at the time.


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